
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Supplies and Schedules

Yep.  It's only the beginning of July and my kindergarten team and I are already talking about "Back to School."

I mean, why not?  Walmart already has all the beautiful new supplies out and up for sale!  There is nothing better than the look and smell of brand new crayons and pencils and notebooks on display and ready to be used.  It's like they call my name and fill my thoughts with the potential of what the new school year will bring.

This year my team will include one brand new teacher and one 'new to K' teacher.  We are all eager to get thinking and talking about the beginning of the year so that was our topic. 

And, what, you may ask, is the best way to get anyone to come to a meeting?  Food, of course!  Mrs. Swigunski was our "Dessert Diva" and the brownie fruit pizza she made was delicious!

Dessert.  Yum.

One topic that we all wanted to talk about was: Supplies!

Here is what we request from the children:

24 pack crayons
6 large Glue Sticks
12-#2 Yellow Pencils
8 Pack Fat Crayola Markers (Classic Colors)
1 Book Bag (Large enough to hold 1” 3-ring binder)
Quart & Sandwich Ziploc Bags (Girls)
Gallon & Snack Ziploc Bags (Boys)
Scissors (Fiskar’s Brand Recommended)
Hand Sanitizer

Optional Supplies
1 Adult Size Cardboard Shoe Box
1 pkg White 8 ½” x 11” Copier paper
1 pkg Colored 8 ½” x 11” Copier paper
1 2.5 Gallon Box Ziploc Bags


We try not to ask the parents for too much......but there is SO much we still purchase on our own.  I'm sure you teachers out there all do the same.  One of our biggest purchases are binders for each child.  Many of the teachers on my team use these for homework/take home/communication purposes. 

The next big topic we wanted to tackle were our schedules.  I have decided to try and create a "page" for my schedule at the top of the blog.  Hopefully I can get it up soon so be ready to check it out!  I hope it will be helpful for my parents when the year begins. 

Let me know about your SUPPLIES or you SCHEDULE!!!

1 comment:

  1. OMG-- I don't know if I will EVER not get excited about new school supplies. I keep a journal about everything I do at school (I know you are shocked by this information) and my favorite thing to do at the beginning of the year is to go find my new journal. That dessert pizza looks delish!
