Monday, February 20, 2012

Sort It Out

Sorting was a math unit that we were engaged in way back in the beginning of our kindergarten year together.  I studied this summer and implemented a Guided Math philosophy during my math time and it has gone extremely well this year. 

This new way of teaching inspired me to utilize one of my favorite websites for acquiring new materials: Donor's Choose.  The staff at Donor's Choose basically does all the work for me.  I have to post a project and request materials that I need for my students.  They advertise and seek out donor's to support each project financially.  I also try to spread the word by letting everyone I know about my most recent requests! 

I submitted a request for a set of math manipulatives and sorting trays.  And, although this project didn't get funded in time for our unit, we got the materials nonetheless and quickly put them to use! 

One of the greatest things about teaching math through Guided Math groups is that I always have the opportunity for independent and review groups to engage my students in.  So, the week we got the materials, I put these materials at a table and told the students to "Sort It Out!" 

Jack, Chloë, and Jennifer work with bears and a sorting tray to sort by color!

Audrey, Abby, and Mario sort ocean animals by color, too!

There are so many ways to practice sorting at home.  Think about all the different items you have sitting around- you could even make cleaning up a game by practicing sorting!  Sorting by color is the "go to" sort for many students at first.  Challenge them to think of other ways.  I love it when they surprise me by sorting items in a way I would have never thought of!