Thursday, August 2, 2012

How Life Has Changed

My, oh my, how life has changed! 

I read back through all my posts from LAST summer while my 2 month old baby girl quietly naps beside me. 

My, oh my, how life has changed! 

I had created an entire list of things I wanted to accomplish, places I wanted to go, progress I wanted to make in my classroom.  This summer has been a drastic turn around from all of my adventures just 12 months ago.  This summer, actually my FIRST day of summer, I gave birth to baby June, and I couldn't feel more blessed. 

We've spent an amazing 2 months at home together-- nowhere to go-- nothing to do.  Looking back at all that I did last summer, one would automatically assume how bored I must be.  But alas, I am loving every minute of this slower pace. 

The days are slowly creeping up on me for when I have to make my debut back at work.  I am excited to get back, because I love what I do-- and I hope you can tell that from looking back at this blog.  However, I will miss these quiet days at home, just loving on my baby girl. 


  1. Congratulations on your baby girl, June! When Logan was born, I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed just sitting and watching him sleep. Also how much fun I enjoyed everything about him those first couple of months home. Still do : )

  2. I just blogged about you! Hop on over and take a look!

    KinderKids Fun

  3. It's wonderful how much joy a slower pace of life with your little one brings.
