Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Nope, I'm not grabbing a cab to go anywhere special----but I am running for a position on the CERRA Advisory Board-- know as CAB!!

CERRA is a great organization located in my county and is the Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement. 

I have been involved with CERRA since I was a senior in high school and took part in a class called Teacher Cadet (This would be part of the Recruitment aspect).  I learned so much that year and it only added to my interest and passion in teaching. 

I have since been involved with CERRA through trainings in becoming a Mentor teacher (This would be part of the Retention aspect).  I have learned about mentoring and working with new teachers to make sure they get off to a strong start in this profession. 

Most recently, I have had the opportunity be involved with CERRA as District Teacher of the Year (This would be the Advancement aspect).  CERRA supports the Teacher of the Year program to celebrate, recognize, and empower teachers to share their voice and strengths.  They also provide many great resources for the Teacher Forum that I have been leading this school year. 

I would like to stay involved with CERRA through this Advisory Board, but I need your help! 

Please click on the link below and choose Region 3-- Midlands. 

And, vote for me!! 


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